How to Eliminate Scars Quickly and Naturally

Everyone must have scars or black spots around the body, whether it's new or old scars. Has scars certainly reduces self-confidence, especially if the scars are appearing in areas that are easily visible. So we are willing to do a variety of in any way that these scars may disappear. How to get rid of scars here could be reached by two ways, namely by using natural means (traditional) and instant way.

Scars can not disappear quickly, because of the scar depends on the degree of injuries suffered. But these scars can disappear quickly if done regularly and continuously. Therefore, for those who want to know how to get rid of scars quickly using natural materials, can follow the following ways:

How to Eliminate Scars

Olive oil

Olive oil has been known since ancient times as one of the ingredients that are used for beauty. Olive oil is useful to remove the scar on the face and body. You can use olive oil in a manner applying just enough olive oil in areas that are scarred or black spots on a regular basis. These scars will disappear and fade away with itself.


Cucumber is also used as a vegetable, also can be used as a beauty to remove the black spots on the skin. Wayuse it is also quite easy, simply by crushing cucumber to form a paste, then apply a paste of cucumber in areas that are scars before bedtime, and leave overnight. Do it this way continuously until the scar completely lost and not seen again.


Lime juice has vitamin content can be beneficial to remove the scar on the skin. You can overcome the scars by taking 1 lemon, then split into 2 parts. Afterwards apply on the scars, let stand a few minutes and rinse with warm water. Important note for the first use of the skin will feel a bit sore, but you do not worry because it is a natural process to remove the scar.


Honey besides nutritious for health, may also be efficacious as beauty. You can use honey to eliminate old or new scars in a way, just applying honey in areas that are scarred and let stand overnight. So that the scars can disappear quickly, use this way on a regular basis until the scars completely disappear.


Garlic is believed to remove the scar and prevent keloids and scarring of the skin. How to use garlic is easy enough, simply by cutting half a clove of garlic, then rub garlic on a scar on the skin. Carakan this way continuously on a regular basis.
Thus this article on how to get rid of scars by using natural materials and traditional this time. The scars can be lost quickly if coupled with strong intention and effort. You can use the above methods to overcome the scars on the skin of the face and body. Good luck and thank you.